Foresight results are synthesised into national strategies, influencing research priorities, infrastructure development
Thanks to NGS technologies, same task can be accomplished in a matter of hours for less than $1,000
Pakistan’s R&D expenditure stands at 0. ...(cont.)
Pakistan is well poised to meet opportunities that Artificial Intelligence will offer for developments in industries
...(cont.)Political instability has long plagued Pakistan, disrupting governance and economic planning
...(cont.)In agriculture, Pakistan moved up from 48th rank in year 2000 to an impressive ranking of 15th by year 2023
UN granted the extension of the territorial boundary of Pakistan in March 2015
...(cont.)Universities have a key role to play in the process of socio-economic development
Pakistan has never had democratically elected president, which is key feature of presidential democracy
Third Industrial Revolution brought in the digital age, triggered by the development of semiconductors
AI’s impact on scientific research is nothing short of revolutionary
Answer to our problems requires a radical change from our present policies
In another interesting development, seawater is beginning to be used for cultivating food crops
Many of these innovations are disrupting industrial sector and allowing major new players to emerge
Pakistan was ranked a lowly 48th in the world in the year 2000 in the field of agriculture.
A study of Scopus, the wo ...(cont.)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are revolutionizing numerous industries by automating tasks
Biotechnology involves the use of living organisms or their derivatives to create products and processes for specific uses
...(cont.)Efforts are alas now being made to fragment the HEC and hand over the pieces to the provinces
Pakistan today is sinking into a dark hole, having to borrow money even to pay off the interest on loans taken, rather than the ...(cont.)
These designated areas are often referred to as research and technology parks or science parks
In today’s fast-pa ...(cont.)
Pakistan’s development strategy should be primarily focused on the manufacture and export of high-tech goods. Therein lies ou ...(cont.)
Nanomaterials represent a rapidly emerging industry that is impacting a large number of products ranging from electronics a ...(cont.)
The Household Responsibility System shifted agricultural production from collective farming to household-based responsibility ...(cont.)
This proven strategy is great to rid ourselves of the burden of debt and become self-relian
In my previous ar ...(cont.)
In order to transition to a strong technology-driven knowledge economy, Pakistan must focus on the manufacture and export of hi ...(cont.)
AI has proved to be a game changer its myriad applications range from predictive analytics for disease diagnosis to personali ...(cont.)
Dr Charpentier and Dr Doudna thus became the sixth and seventh women in history to win a Nobel Prize in chemistry
A 20-member delegation representing various sectors of Pakistan’s industry left for China on December 10, with the objective of ...(cont.)
To progress rapidly, Pakistan must create an Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) environment conducive to economic growth, innovation ...(cont.)
In today’s world, technology has emerged as the driving force behind socioeconomic development. Its transformative impact i ...(cont.)
Pakistan finds itself in deep economic problems with growing international debt, massive industrial closures due to myopic IMF- ...(cont.)
Innovation has long been recognized as a cornerstone of economic development and prosperity. It drives productivity, compet ...(cont.)
The transition to a knowledge economy represents a paramount challenge and opportunity for nations around the world. In the c ...(cont.)
Pakistan today faces a myriad of problems that range from poor governance systems, lack of proper long-term planning, uncontr ...(cont.)
India succeeded in landing Vikram and Pragyan – its lander and rover from its spacecraft Chandrayaan-3 – on the little-explored ...(cont.)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now finding a multitude of applications across different educational levels – from primary scho ...(cont.)
Pakistan’s current economic collapse is largely due to our leaders not recognizing that socio-economic development no longer de ...(cont.)
Earlier this year, bowing to the demands of the IMF, Pakistan raised its interest rates by a whopping 300 basis points to 20 pe ...(cont.)
We live in an amazing world of discovery where truth is often stranger than fiction. Thanks to technological advancements, we d ...(cont.)
Pakistan today stands at the precipice of a huge disaster. With rampant corruption under the guise of democracy, the dreams of ...(cont.)
Artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum computing (QC) are two rapidly advancing fields of technology with immense potential f ...(cont.)
About three years ago I was conferred the highest science award of China, the International Science and Technology Collaboratio ...(cont.)
Innovation and entrepreneurship have now become the key drivers of fast-growing world economies. Countries that have realized t ...(cont.)
There is an international buzz at the amazing capabilities of ChatGPT to write up essays and provide other useful information i ...(cont.)
In my previous articles I provided the way forward for Pakistan by investing in education, science, technology and innovation w ...(cont.)
Pakistan faces serious existential challenges after decades of misdirected governance. The only way to survive in this highly c ...(cont.)
A remarkable book on higher education titled ‘Fostering Institutional Development and Vital Change in Africa and Asia’ was publ ...(cont.)
The process of socio-economic development in developing countries is a challenging task. There is much to learn however from th ...(cont.)
With the passing away of Gen Pervez Musharraf, a memorable era in the history of Pakistan came to an end. He was a man of deter ...(cont.)
The failure of the present parliamentary system of governance in Pakistan is reflected in the fact that power and funds are n ...(cont.)
Rapid socio-economic development is now only possible if national innovation policies are directed at the development and expor ...(cont.)
The present alarming situation of the country, which stands at the brink of a financial default, is a reflection of the failu ...(cont.)
Pakistan today faces the gravest crisis in its history after its dismemberment in 1971. Its foreign reserves are down to $5.8 b ...(cont.)
The main reasons for the impending economic default that Pakistan faces today are our lack of focus on judicial reforms, educat ...(cont.)
As a result of massive corruption, Pakistan today is virtually in a state of economic bankruptcy, although this has not been of ...(cont.)
The manufacture and export of innovative high-tech products must serve as the key pillar of our economic growth. There are huge ...(cont.)
Countries making rapid economic strides have their primary focus on innovation to create the ecosystem abilities so that they a ...(cont.)
The 2023 World University Rankings were published recently by the Times Higher Education (THE). Three Asian universities are ra ...(cont.)
In order to migrate to a technology-driven knowledge economy, there needs to be a complete change of direction. The emphasis mu ...(cont.)
The single biggest challenge to enhance the exports of Pakistan is to establish industries in high-technology fields so that we ...(cont.)
The Covid pandemic led to the closure of schools, colleges and universities across the world during the last two years. It also ...(cont.)
As the floods sweep across much of Pakistan, they have highlighted the need for proper water management. It was in the 60s when ...(cont.)
After some four years of chaos in the higher education sector, with many key programmes systematically destroyed, sanity has fi ...(cont.)
The failures of Pakistan over the last 75 years. The biggest of these failures is undoubtedly the judicial system. This include ...(cont.)
In this new world order, the key for rapid socio-economic development lies in the ability of nations to manufacture and export ...(cont.)
When the size of materials is reduced to one millionth of a millimeter (nanometer, nm), their properties change dramatically ...(cont.)
The ‘Fountain of Youth’, a mythical spring that keeps you young forever if you drink water from it, has been the subject of man ...(cont.)
During the last few decades, we have witnessed amazing developments in various fields of science and technology. Some of the mo ...(cont.)
The major problem facing Pakistan for the last several decades is the fact that our exports are confined to low value-added goo ...(cont.)
The rapid emergence of new technologies is transforming the world around us in almost magical ways. They range from strange new ...(cont.)
When the Higher Education Commission was established and I was appointed as its founding chairman in 2002, there were no Pakist ...(cont.)
One university centre in Pakistan has risen to be regarded among the best in Asia and has won numerous international prizes and ...(cont.)
Within the boundaries of the University of Karachi exists an institution that has stood out as an island of unparalleled excell ...(cont.)
In 2018, the appointment as chairman HEC of someone who was a lecturer at a low-ranking university in the US at the time of his ...(cont.)
Prime Minister Imran Khan met the Chinese prime minister last week and requested him for a strong collaboration between the Pak ...(cont.)
In a note titled ‘Future Constitution of Pakistan’, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah wrote the following lines: “Dangers of a P ...(cont.)
For Pakistan to emerge from the quagmire of poverty, ignorance and deprivation, there is one – and only one – way forward: to d ...(cont.)
As a result of numerous projects undertaken by the technology-driven Knowledge Economy Task Force set up by Prime Minister Imra ...(cont.)
In 2002, when the Higher Education Commission (HEC) was established under my chairmanship, Pakistan was around 400 percent behi ...(cont.)
The fourth Industrial Revolution has led to amazing developments that are rapidly changing the face of the world’s scientific l ...(cont.)
At a meeting organised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) and hosted by the British Council last week in Bhurban, the vic ...(cont.)
The future of Pakistan is dependent on unleashing the creative potential of our young people through quality education, science ...(cont.)
Massive investments are presently being made in higher education by many countries in the developing world, such as Malaysia, S ...(cont.)
Education as a whole and higher education in particular play a critically important role in the development of any nation. In P ...(cont.)
Sindh Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah was the chief guest at the inauguration ceremony of an exhibition on tech-based ...(cont.)
Following my appointment as the founding chairman of the Higher Education Commission in 2002, the highest priority was given to ...(cont.)
After the advent of the 4th Industrial revolution, the world has started changing at a mind-boggling pace. We now live in a wor ...(cont.)
Universities can be harbingers of change. We have seen how the Oxford and Cambridge universities contributed to the development ...(cont.)
Recently a brainstorming session was held in the Ministry of Science & Technology to consider the draft of the National Sci ...(cont.)
The Knowledge Economy Task Force chaired by the prime minister had its first meeting in January 2019 when the roadmap presented ...(cont.)
Following the establishment of the Higher Education Commission in 2002, and my appointment as its Founding Chairman, we decided ...(cont.)
Pakistan is a potentially very rich country – far richer than Korea, Japan, United Kingdom, Germany and many others. This is be ...(cont.)
Within 50 miles of Islamabad, off the main motorway to Peshawar, an exciting new university has emerged. Called the Pak-Austria ...(cont.)
Universities in Pakistan have suffered greatly in the last three years because of the misguided policies of the Higher Educatio ...(cont.)
The single most important factor that determines the quality of both undergraduate and postgraduate education is the quality of ...(cont.)
The HEC policies during the last three years led to a mushroom growth of 50 new universities, while simultaneously the programm ...(cont.)
The higher education sector has been under the spotlight recently because of the removal of Dr Tariq Banuri. It is stated by so ...(cont.)
For Pakistan to progress rapidly in the 21st century and take advantage of new opportunities offered by the 4th Industrial Revo ...(cont.)
In the garb of democracy and freedom, many countries in the developing world, including Pakistan, have been manipulated to inst ...(cont.)
In order for Pakistan to emerge from the quagmire of poverty, hunger, and foreign debt, we need to migrate to a strong knowledg ...(cont.)
Prime Minister Imran Khan is leading a historic effort aimed at developing a strong knowledge economy. Projects worth about Rs1 ...(cont.)
The first 2.5 years of government by the PTI were extremely challenging because of the financial chaos that the present governm ...(cont.)
The socio-economic development of nations today hinges on the ability of their leaders to formulate suitable policies and trans ...(cont.)
In today’s world, knowledge has become the key driver for socio-economic development. Nations are no longer built just by inves ...(cont.)
Pakistan’s future lies in developing a strong knowledge economy based on excellence in education, science, technology and innov ...(cont.)
The first foreign university, the Pakistan Austrian Fachhochschule with five departments and four major postgraduate research c ...(cont.)
With the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the world has begun to change rapidly as never before. Fantastic developments ...(cont.)
Pakistan was on the brink of becoming a failed state when Prime Minister Imran Khan took over. The courts had been compromised; ...(cont.)
The Pak-Austrian Fachhochschule in Haripur Hazara is probably the first university in the world where eight foreign universitie ...(cont.)
On September 17, a historic event occurred. The prime minster of Pakistan inaugurated a beautiful campus of Pakistan’s first fo ...(cont.)
As Pakistan begins to emerge from the financial crisis imposed upon it because of massive corruption by previous governments, a ...(cont.)
Pakistan’s exports have stagnated at $25 billion while Bangladesh, Vietnam while many other Asian countries have forged ahead. ...(cont.)
While Pakistan has struggled over the last 73 years of this existence to become an economic tiger, other nations in South Asia ...(cont.)
In order for Pakistan to emerge from the shackles of poverty and ignorance, we need to follow the same path as that taken by Si ...(cont.)
The Covid-19 epidemic has created many challenges but also opened up many opportunities for developing countries such as Pakist ...(cont.)
McKinsey Global has predicted a 100 trillion dollar impact of emerging technologies by 2025. Artificial Intelligence alone is p ...(cont.)
As we look ahead to a world with many devastated industries and tottering economies, following the Covid-19 pandemic, we need t ...(cont.)
The disaster that has descended on the world in the form of Covid-19 has shaken global economies. Many economic giants includin ...(cont.)
As scientists work day and night in laboratories all over the world to find a cure or a vaccine for Covid-19, exciting progress ...(cont.)
Never before in our history have we witnessed an enemy such as this. The invisible enemy is a tiny molecular ball with spikes p ...(cont.)
The prime minister of Pakistan had established a Task Force on Knowledge Economy which he chairs and of which I happen to be th ...(cont.)
Recently Mr Abdullah Hussain Haroon, former ambassador of Pakistan to the United Nations, came forward with a video recording i ...(cont.)
The world is in the middle of the worst pandemic in recent history, as the strain of coronavirus Covid-19 spreads rapidly. Star ...(cont.)
The death of fourteen persons and hospitalisation of some 350 persons living in localities near the Karachi harbour triggered a ...(cont.)
Pakistan’s IT exports have underperformed by a factor of at least 20, standing at only $1 billion whereas Indian IT expor ...(cont.)
A former prime minister of the UK was once asked about the three top priorities of his government. Without any hesitation his r ...(cont.)
On 10th January 2020, a glittering function was held in The Great Hall of the People in Beijing with several thousand dignitari ...(cont.)
Pakistan must change the strategic directions of development and rise to face the challenges of the 4th Industrial Revolution.< ...(cont.)
As a Pakistani I hang my head in shame that that a man has been convicted who did so much for this nation. Even more shameful i ...(cont.)
A quiet revolution to transition Pakistan to a digital country is under way. The first part of this revolution was initiated in ...(cont.)
For the first time in the history of Pakistan, emphasis is now being placed on developing a strong knowledge economy. A Nationa ...(cont.)
There was a major transformation of the landscape of our universities under the Higher Education Commission, in the earlier yea ...(cont.)
On October 24, 2019, a very special function was held at the Hunan University of Chinese Medicine in the city of Changsha, in t ...(cont.)
National security is no longer connected only with the sophisticated weapons available to a country. It is directly concerned w ...(cont.)
At this critical juncture of national development, the only way forward is to migrate from its natural resource driven low-valu ...(cont.)
Pakistan has been struggling with the parliamentary system of governance now for over 70 years with repeated military takeovers ...(cont.)
Pakistan stands at a crossroads. The fourth industrial revolution is upon us, and technological changes are happening at a mind ...(cont.)
There has been a significant expansion of university campuses and establishment of new universities during the last decade with ...(cont.)
Pakistan is finally beginning to change directions under the visionary policies of the present government towards developing a ...(cont.)
Despite severe economic challenges, the present government has embarked on a visionary initiative to transform Pakistan to a st ...(cont.)
This correction in its vision and strategy for socio-economic development was apparent from the formation of a National Task Fo ...(cont.)
A recent article in a newspaper suggested a scheme that would make the universities of Pakistan low-level community colleges fo ...(cont.)
On December 21, the PM House was opened to the public and a formal announcement was made at a special function, at which the prime ...(cont.)
On December 4, a historic development occurred in Pakistan. The prime minister convened a meeting to consider the means through ...(cont.)
Pakistan is fortunate to have a leader like Imran Khan who is honest and sincerely committed to the process of equitable socioe ...(cont.)
Pakistan today stands at the threshold of what could be a new and glorious era of socio-economic development. This requires som ...(cont.)
I have been advocating a technocratic system of governance for many years. Such a system can exist under both a presidential an ...(cont.)
On August 31, I had the opportunity to make a detailed presentation to Prime Minister Imran Khan. This was a wonderful occasion ...(cont.)
To transform Pakistan into an economic giant, Pakistan needs to give the highest national priority to education, science, techn ...(cont.)
In order to develop a strong knowledge economy in Pakistan, we need to follow China’s example and make science, technolog ...(cont.)
A new beginning has been made in Pakistan and exciting days lie ahead. A national task force for socio-economic development, ch ...(cont.)
After a decade of loot and plunder by successive democratic governments, there is finally hope that Pakistan will embark on th ...(cont.)
With the change of government imminent after today's elections, we can look ahead to a new and prosperous Pakistan where ju ...(cont.)
The single biggest opportunity to develop Pakistan lies in its 100 million people who are below the age of 20. We need to focu ...(cont.)
The higher education sector has been under serious crisis for the last several years. Over the last decade, the procedures intr ...(cont.)
It is estimated that Pakistan will start facing water scarcity within the next five years, and a large number of deaths due to ...(cont.)
It is time we take suitable steps to make the transition towards a knowledge economy – especially since a new government ...(cont.)
The winds of change are blowing forcefully through our great nation. They promise to root out corruption, punish those involved ...(cont.)
The winds of change are blowing fast and loud. The corrupt are being caught and punished, and fresh ideas and a new beginning m ...(cont.)
With the 4th industrial revolution upon us, the future for Pakistan lies in the 100 million young men and women below the age o ...(cont.)
Our leaders need to realise that we have approached the 4th industrial revolution and our democratic system of governance shoul ...(cont.)
The 2018 general elections are round the corner and an interim government will be formed soon. This gives Pakistan a unique opp ...(cont.)
Pakistan faced an enormous foreign policy failure recently when it was placed on the ‘grey list’ of the Financial A ...(cont.)
There are four essential principles associated with democracy. The first principle is the right of the people to choose and rep ...(cont.)
There are four essential principles associated with democracy. The first principle is the right of the people to choose and rep ...(cont.)
Amazing developments in almost every field of science are transforming our lives at an increasing pace. The Muslim world, howev ...(cont.)
The higher education sector of Pakistan witnessed a historic development on January 11, 2018: a formal approval was given by t ...(cont.)
A debate over what would make up for the best governance system for Pakistan has been doing the rounds of late. According to a ...(cont.)
For nations to progress in the 21st century and become part of the fourth industrial revolution, they need to link their develo ...(cont.)
Pakistan needs to change its direction and set up a strong knowledge economy. Countries that are investing in science, technolo ...(cont.)
The International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) at Karachi University has launched a visionary programme ...(cont.)
In addition to being ranked as the sixth most populous country in the world, with a population of 206 million, we are ranked at ...(cont.)
There has been a national discussion on the pros and cons of a technocratic government. It has been assumed that the installati ...(cont.)
According to independent economists, Pakistan is facing a serious economic situation. The country is on the verge of economic c ...(cont.)
The economy of Pakistan is worrying and presents a mixed picture. Our budget deficit has reached Rs1,864 billion against the es ...(cont.)
In this rapidly changing world, innovations are disrupting established businesses. Elon Musk, an American entrepreneur, establi ...(cont.)
In an interview with Anatol Lieven (the author of ‘Pakistan: A Hard Country’) Pakistani economist Mahbubul Haq stat ...(cont.)
Pakistan is in a dire economic state, brought to its knees by successive governments that have looted and plundered freely whil ...(cont.)
Our country stands at a crossroads of its history. Exports are down to $21.7 billion while imports have risen by 18 percent to ...(cont.)
It was first proposed by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in his letter to the governor of Banaras in 1868. It was then widely promoted by o ...(cont.)
There are exciting discoveries taking place in almost every field of science that are transforming our lives in an unpredictabl ...(cont.)
The funds were diverted towards other pet transportation schemes and left the universities of Pakistan in a shocking state of d ...(cont.)
The recent advances in artificial intelligence are truly mindboggling. Dr Ray Kurzweil, an authority on futuristic thinking, pr ...(cont.)
Pakistan has been struggling to establish a suitable system of democracy since 1947. The advantage of a presidential system is ...(cont.)
Pakistan – a country with a population of 220 million – has over a 100 million below the age of 20. This gives us a ...(cont.)
There have been two major developments over the past month that are worth highlighting. Tesla, the electric carmaker, created h ...(cont.)
During the last two years, I have travelled to Austria, Italy and France to explore the possibility of establishing top class e ...(cont.)
With the world population expected to reach nine billion by 2050, and with limited cultivable area on our planet, there is an i ...(cont.)
On July 10, 1947, a little more than a month before the birth of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah wrote in his diary ...(cont.)
Pakistan stands at a crossroads. There is progress in some areas and lack of development in others. Due to the measures introdu ...(cont.)
In October 2002, when I left the position of federal minister of science and technology and took up my new assignment as the fo ...(cont.)
Neuroscientists at the Wisconsin-based Wicab Inc have developed a device called ‘BrainPort’ that helps blind people ...(cont.)
Solar cells use the energy from the sun to produce electricity. The sun’s energy is transmitted in the form of photons. T ...(cont.)
Pakistan made a wonderful beginning in 2002 with the formation of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) to strengthen its unive ...(cont.)
A key reason for the subjugation of the Islamic world during the last several hundred years is its failure to embrace science ...(cont.)
Micro RNAs are able to control many genes at the same time. They have been compared to an orchestra conductor controlling and d ...(cont.)
After carefully examining the funds allocated by the government to promote science in Pakistan, the chairperson of the committe ...(cont.)
Imagine that you are driving a car and you have an accident – the car is damaged. However you need not worry. The car is ...(cont.)
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has enormous potential to launch Pakistan into today’s knowledge-driven world ...(cont.)
Pakistan had a number of reasons to celebrate in 2016. The Unesco director general formally signed a document on November 21, 2 ...(cont.)
According to scientists working on global weather patterns, rising global temperatures are causing the glaciers in the Himalaya ...(cont.)
Amazing innovations are transforming our world at a mind-boggling pace. They are disrupting economies as conventional technolog ...(cont.)
The higher education sector is facing a huge chaotic situation for the last four years since there are now three higher educati ...(cont.)
There have been amazing developments in the energy sector, and we are well on our way to replacing conventional energy with cle ...(cont.)
The impact of one institution on the economy of a nation can be illustrated by MIT. Some 11,000 companies have been formed by g ...(cont.)
There was great news for science in Pakistan in September 2016 when Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading organisation tha ...(cont.)
Last week I chaired a meeting of the United Nations Advisory Board on Science Technology and Innovation formed by the UN Commis ...(cont.)
Certain insect-sized military drone aircraft developed in the US that look like flies, bees and cockroaches have now been succe ...(cont.)
Scientists from have now discovered the genetic mechanisms by which lizards are able to regrow the cut organs. Three small gene ...(cont.)
The world is changing at an incredible pace and each week brings a thousand new discoveries, many of which are changing the way ...(cont.)
Pakistan today has the slowest growing economy in South Asia with the GDP of Myanmar growing at 8.6 percent, Bhutan at 8.4 perc ...(cont.)
Pakistan must place science and technology at the centre of its overall national development plans and in the agricultural and ...(cont.)
Since the formation of Pakistan, successive governments have largely ignored the key pillars necessary for socio-economic devel ...(cont.)
As scientific knowledge increases exponentially with the passage of time, the intricate and complex design that has resulted in ...(cont.)
We live in a world in which knowledge has become the key driver for socio-economic development. Natural resources such as oil, ...(cont.)
There was joyful news for Pakistan recently. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) won the ‘3G – Global Good Govern ...(cont.)
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an exciting initiative – provided it is implemented professionally and with integ ...(cont.)
The latest QS higher education institution rankings may have come as a shock to many. According to these rankings Pakistan is n ...(cont.)
The world economic scenario has changed dramatically in the last century, with knowledge replacing natural resources as the maj ...(cont.)
On July 22, 2006, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh arranged for a detailed presentation to be made to him, regarding the sp ...(cont.)
On August 10, 2015, an article appeared in ‘The New York Times’ about the remarkable progress that Pakistan had made in the inf ...(cont.)
Some fantastic developments are taking place in health sciences. The growing understanding of the underlying chemistry of biolo ...(cont.)
The magnitude of the knowledge gap between the Islamic world and the West can be judged from the fact that 90 Nobel Prizes have ...(cont.)
Innovation has become a key factor in the process of socioeconomic development. Innovation is no longer the prerogative of deve ...(cont.)
A remarkable recent development in physics is the discovery of gravitational waves that were predicted by Einstein about a cent ...(cont.)
The four pillars of progress are: high quality education; science & Technology; innovation and entrepreneurship; and a gove ...(cont.)
While there are a number of engineering universities in Pakistan, the trained engineers produced often lack the practical appro ...(cont.)
The root cause of Pakistan’s problems is ‘feudocracy’, a defective system of governance dominated by feudal l ...(cont.)
In this knowledge-driven world, only countries that invest in their real wealth – their children – can progress. Others are rel ...(cont.)
About 98 percent of water on our planet is seawater, another one percent is brackish water (having more salt than freshwater bu ...(cont.)
In my previous article I had emphasised the critically important role that science, technology and innovation now play in the p ...(cont.)
What is nanotechnology? It is the study and use of materials of very tiny dimensions – dimensions at the scale of a billiont ...(cont.)
The global energy scenario is undergoing profound changes on several accounts. First, the oil prices have dropped, making it relat ...(cont.)
In this new world order, science, technology and innovation are the key drivers for socio-economic development. The world has beco ...(cont.)
In a handwritten note dated July 10, 1947 Quaid-e-Azam Mohammed Ali Jinnah wrote: “ldquo;Dangers of Parliamentary Form of Go ...(cont.)
Knowledge is now the single most important factor for socio-economic development. Countries that have realised this and invested h ...(cont.)
We live in a world in which innovation drives economies, and universities and research centres are playing a pivotal role in the t ...(cont.)
The government would have us believe that the country is doing very well economically because it has over $18 billion of reserves. ...(cont.)
In the previous article I discussed how a fresh breeze of change is promising to clean the landscape of Pakistan from corruptio ...(cont.)
Winds of change are now blowing across the landscape of Pakistan. The corrupt are being caught by the forces led by General Raheel ...(cont.)
The prerequisites for Pakistan to migrate from the present low-value agricultural economy to a knowledge-based economy are: (1) a ...(cont.)
Pakistan can embark on the road to developing a strong knowledge-based economy only if we have a visionary leadership that truly u ...(cont.)
How is it that a country that has a population about a quarter that of Karachi and virtually no natural resources has per capita i ...(cont.)
There is a row gathering strength regarding a large number of allegedly fake degree-holders in parliament, who wish to contest ...(cont.)
Pakistan is on the brink of becoming a failed state. Rampant corruption, particularly by those who govern us, has brought us to ...(cont.)
With the growing world population having already crossed the seven-billion mark and with a much larger number of young persons ...(cont.)
In an article entitled “Let’s stop promoting corruption in Pakistani universities”, Mr Pervez Hoodbhoy, (The Express Tribun ...(cont.)
The real wealth of Pakistan lies in its youth. About 90 million people or roughly half the population is below the age of 18. T ...(cont.)
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) was saved from being brutally mauled and its autonomy shattered by wise and timely interv ...(cont.)
The present alarming state of affairs of our economy is directly connected with the presence and actions of dozens of ‘honourab ...(cont.)
In today’s world, nations are not built just by investing in brick and mortar in roads and bridges, in dams and powerhouses but ...(cont.)
In order for Pakistan to emerge from its present quagmire of poverty, hunger, deprivation, joblessness and foreign debt, it nee ...(cont.)
Pakistan is on the verge of bankruptcy and the only way out of this quagmire is for our leaders to revise national policies dra ...(cont.)
In Pakistan, we have witnessed the complete failure of democracy, so much so that many now doubt if the country can survive if ...(cont.)
The single most important factor in determining the quality of education in universities is the quality of faculty members. Thi ...(cont.)
It took two years of hard work to persuade 35 universities in seven countries to set up seven world-class foreign universities ...(cont.)
We embarked on an ambitious plan to set up seven world-class foreign universities, all in the engineering sciences, in collabor ...(cont.)
Engineering represents the backbone of any country aspiring to migrate to a knowledge economy. The strengthening of engineering ...(cont.)
There is an impending disaster looming in front of us (something also mentioned in a recent editorial in this newspaper on the ...(cont.)